Chautauqua Comes to Christmount

A Festival of Mind, Body and Spirit

October 20-24, 2025

“Companions on the Journey…A Gathering of Spirits & A Festival of Friends”


Chautauqua is coming to Christmount for a 9th year, the Retreat & Conference Center of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), located off Hwy 9 South at 222 Fern Way, in Black Mountain, NC.


The “Chautauqua Comes to Christmount” conference, is modeled after the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY, which began as a training camp for Sunday School teachers, founded in 1874. Since those early years, Chautauqua Institution has grown into an Inter-faith community that is dedicated to the exploration of the best in human values and the enrichment of life through a program that explores the important religious, social and political issues of our times; stimulates provocative, thoughtful involvement of individuals and families in creative response to such issues; and promotes excellence and creativity in the appreciation, performance and teaching of the arts…truly a “Festival of Mind, Body & Spirit…”


This year’s theme, “Companions on the Journey...A Gathering of Spirits & A Festival of Friends" (quoting Carrie Newcomer) features the Preacher of the Week, Rev. Dr. Topher Endress, workshop presenters, storytellers, book & film discussions, and evening concerts with area musicians.


“Chautauqua Comes to Christmount” begins with dinner on Monday, October 20 at 6pm, followed by an Ice Cream Social provided by Annie B’s Ice Cream; meet-and-greet, introductions, orientation of the week; and evening devotions.


Mornings begin with Prayers for Peace around the Peace Pole five minutes after breakfast.


Worship begins at 9:15a Tuesday-Thursday; followed by workshops at 10:30a.


Evenings close with a 7:30p concert, open to the public ($15 in advance; $20 at the door):


This event concludes with Friday morning Communion Worship & Breakfast.


(Detailed Schedule, Bios and additional information are found on the pages that follow)


ALL ARE WELCOME to celebrate this festival of Body, Mind & Spirit as you experience Chautauqua Comes to Christmount.


 For more information about tickets and cost, call 828-669-8977 or email



        3:00p             Check-in/Registration Begins

        6:00p             Dinner

        7:00p             Sundaes on Monday” (Annie B's Homemade Ice Cream)

                               Get Acquainted/Orientation/Leadership Intros 

                               Devotion by Topher Endress


        8a                 Breakfast

        8:55a           Peace Pole led by David Lollis

        9:15a            Worship    Rev. Dr. Topher Endress           

        10:30a          Workshop with Topher Endress


        Noon            Lunch

        1-6pm                                                                   Afternoon Free Time

Option to participate in Book Club Discussion during Free Time

        4:00p         Book Club led by Rev. Deb Phelps      

        6:00p           Dinner                                                                                                                                                                                                        7:30p           Concert with Dean Phelps                                



        8:00a           Breakfast

        8:55a           Peace Pole led by Rev. Marilyn Williams

        9:15a            Worship           Rev. Dr. Topher Endress

        10:30a         Workshop with Sherrie & Tim Lowly

         Noon          Lunch

         1-6p            ALL AFTERNOON FREE TIME

         6:00p          Dinner

         7:30p          Concert                                                                       



        8a              Breakfast

        8:55a         Peace Pole led by Joan Bowling

        9:15a         Worship         Rev. Dr. Topher Endress        

        10:30a       Workshop with Jon Blalock               


        Noon         Lunch

        1-6p                                                                            AFTERNOON FREE TIME

Option to participate in Film Viewing / Discussion


         4:00pm     Film Viewing / Discussion

         6:00p        Dinner

         7:30p        Concert with Chris Howes                                                


         8a              Peace Pole led by Rev. Tom Brownfield

         8:15a         Closing Communion with Homily/Invitation to the Table with Rev. Dr. Topher Endress

         8:45a         Breakfast & Check-Out

Keynoter / Preacher of the Week

Rev. Dr. Topher Endress

Topher Endress (He/Him) earned his M.Div from Vanderbilt Divinity School (Nashville, TN) in 2015 and his PhD from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK) in 2021. Despite time spent in TN, TX, and the UK, he considers himself solidly Midwestern, having grown up in Evansville IN. Topher currently leads the Institute on Theology and Disability (National Benevolent Association) and is excited to serve as the Associate Minister at First Christian Church in Columbia, Missouri. 

He has authored numerous academic journal articles and has a book in process with Westminster John Knox Press. Topher & his wife Sam are the parents of two young children and on the rare occasions when his two young children are sleeping, he is an avid runner and college basketball-watcher. 

Topher will share creative and provocative messages that open us to experience so much about our theme, “Companions on the Journey…A Gathering of Spirits & a Festival of Friends.” Addressing the understanding that no matter our abilities/differences, we are companions on the journey toward authentic communion with God & neighbor (all whom we encounter/walk beside on Life's Journey).

Morning Workshop Presenters

Tuesday: "Narrating and Teaching: Sharing Stories Faithfully"

led by Topher Endress

Our own stories are inherently made from the lives of other people, and in turn, our lives help create their stories. How do we best share our own narratives while honoring the stories of others, avoiding appropriation and domination?

In this workshop, we will explore together how to practically identify healthy boundaries as ministers and leaders, allowing our own stories to be shared while delimiting the appropriate/inappropriate sharing of the stories of others. So much of teaching is giving narrative examples (especially in sermons), making this an important conversation for ethical preaching, teaching, and leadership. 

Wednesday: "Together They Breathed"

Rev. Sherrie Lowly 

Sherrie was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is a writer, a pastor, and a community builder. With a degree in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University, Chicago, and a Master’s of Divinity from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Sherrie served as a pastor of United Methodist churches in the Chicago, IL, area for 25 years. She is now retired and working on a memoir book project of her relationship with her adult daughter, Temma Day Lowly, who lives with profound disabilities. Sherrie writes at

Tim Lowly

Tim Lowly was born in Hendersonville, North Carolina, but spent most of his youth in South Korea, where his parents were missionaries. He attended Calvin College and received a BFA degree in 1981. In 1981 he married Sherrie Rubingh. Tim was affiliated with North Park University in Chicago as gallery director, instructor, and artist-in-residence from 1994 to 2023. His work has been exhibited widely, with much of it centered on Temma. Now retired from North Park, Tim is focused on art making. or

Tim, Sherrie, Temma, and their friend and caregiver, Ellen, live together in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. 

Together, Tim and Sherrie will facilitate a workshop in word and image of how their daughter has companioned them on their journey learning to breathe together to exaggerate their souls.

“Together they breathed deeply, like 

people who exaggerate their soul because 

they have no other riches.”  

May Sarton, A World of Light

Thursday: "Adapting for Autism: 20 Tips for Welcoming Autistic People Into Your Communities"

Jon Blalock is the Director of Adapted Programs at Christmount and he has supported people on the autism spectrum in a variety of programs and environments for over 20 years. 

He will share information collected by the Institute for Learning Centered Education's Autism Initiative as well as personal stories of helping to create programs that welcome autistic people. The goal of the session is to present a model for broadening our communities through adaptation and understanding. 

Participants will leave with a general understanding of the "adapted community" approach, a practical guide to incorporating autistic people into their programs, and how they might replicate the discussion among their friends and neighbors. 

2024: Worship Coordinator

Dean & Deb Phelps

Deb  & Dean are bringing their many, varied gifts of liturgy and music as they coordinate all the worship gatherings for this event. Both Dean & Deb are ordained Disciples of Christ ministers, living in Versailles, KY where Deb serves as pastor of New Union Church. 

Deb is co-founder of DisciplesNet Church an online church for persons not able to attend a physical church. Deb is a graduate of Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis and a former secondary school teacher with a specialty in chemistry, physics, and other sciences.  Her special interests are Disciples history, the theology of disability & reconciliation ministries.

Dean, a singer, songwriter, guitarist and graduate of Emory School of Theology and has served as Transitional General Minister of the KY region. He has also served Cherry Log Christian Church, Cherry Log, GA & Community Christian Church, Fayetteville, GA.  And has also served in Regional Ministry as a Team Minister, IN; Interim & Transitional Minister in Regions of Ohio, Oklahoma & Central Rocky Mountain.

2024: Book Club Discussions

Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons

Tuesday October 22 at 4pm

My Body Is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church by Amy Kenny

Discussion Leader: Deb Phelps

The church has forgotten that we worship a disabled God whose wounds survived resurrection, says Amy Kenny. 

It is time for the church to start treating disabled people as full members of the body of Christ who have much more to offer than a miraculous cure narrative and to learn from their embodied experiences.

Written by a disabled Christian, this book shows that the church is missing out on the prophetic witness and blessing of disability. Kenny reflects on her experiences inside the church to expose unintentional ableism and cast a new vision for Christian communities to engage disability justice. 

She shows that until we cultivate church spaces where people with disabilities can fully belong, flourish, and lead, we are not valuing the diverse members of the body of Christ.

Offering a unique blend of personal storytelling, fresh and compelling writing, biblical exegesis, and practical application, this book invites readers to participate in disability justice and create a more inclusive community in church and parachurch spaces. 

Evening Concerts

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Evening at 7:30pm

Three evening concerts are included in the ticket you purchase to experience the entire October 21-25, 2024 schedule of events

Come see and hear the artists performing in the beautiful setting that is Christmount.

Concert tickets are $15 each and all concerts will be held at 7:30pm in Conference Room A-B in the main building, 222 Fern Way Drive, Black Mountain, NC 28711.

2024: Tuesday Evening Concert - Dean Phelps

2024: Wednesday Evening Concert

2024: Thursday Evening Concert - Chris Howes

Registration Questions?

Christmount Front Desk:; 828-669-8977


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