April 11-13, 2025
You’re invited to gather in beautiful Black Mountain, NC,
for a time of renewal and stimulating conversation at the
Registration Fee:
Overnight Lodging
Double-Occupancy Room: $200 per person
Private Single Room: $300 per person
Commuter: $100 per person
Cost includes accommodations, meals, snacks, supplies, and programming fees.
Call Christmount to register - 828-669-8977 or email guest-services@christmount.org
Reverends Joseph & Susie Cobb
We are excited to announce the naming of the Church Leadership event to the Revs. Joseph and Susie Cobb Leadership Conference! The naming of this event is a special way to honor and celebrate the impact of their lives and ministries.
They started Agape Christian Church in 1987. They always teach that God is looking for FAT Christians "faithful, available and teachable".